Friday, February 21, 2020

A Game Changer Method for Salespeople

In 2017, the Canadian Institute for Health Information reported that spending on healthcare in Canada topped over $240 billion. That accounted for 11.5 percent of Canada’s gross domestic product. As a salesperson targeting Canada’s medical profession, that’s reason to salivate. To earn your share of commission on that pool of wealth, you could start by subscribing to an Alberta doctor directory.

MD Select Online Platform Is a Game Changer for Sales People

Developing lists of potential leads takes time and effort. Traditional methods are not as efficient as the methods available in the digital age. MD Select offers salespeople one of the best tools for lead generation, especially if you’re targeting medical professionals on a provincial basis. For example, if you’re a B2B salesperson targeting potential clients in Alberta, subscribing to MD Select gives you access to an Alberta doctors directory listing over 83,000 doctors, surgeons, and health care professionals. A simple search of the online database gives you reams of relevant demographic information on not only doctors but also health care professionals, hospital administrators, health clinic directors and more. It’s like a veritable gold mine of information for salespeople who are looking to develop high-value B2B prospect lists to which they can pitch their products and services. Accessing a doctor director Alberta is truly a game-changer; the information is readily available 24-7 and allows salespeople to quickly gather information on real qualified sales leads. No more cold calling necessary when you have access to the information you need to develop a personalized sales pitch. 

Good Managers Empower Their Sales Teams with the Right Tools

Why would a sales manager subscribe to MD Select? If the sales team was targeting the medical industry, the subscription would give sales reps access to things like the Albert doctor directory, the Ontario doctor directory, and all the other relevant information available through the platform. Visit to source to read more.

Contact Us:
Scott’s Directories Attn: Customer Service
507 Lakeshore Rd. E. Suite 206-C
City: Mississauga
State: Ontario
Zip Code: L5G 1H9
Phone: 1-844-271-0314